Welcome! This is my personal carrd to store information about my 2D self in.

I suppose you want to know a little about me, well. You can call me Krystal. I have been in love with fictional characters before I even knew there was a name for it.I am deeply interested in Celtic Mythology, Angels and Egyptology. I adore cats, wolves, manta rays, frogs, and deer, they're my favorite animals. I like to keep to myself but I will bite back if provoked :)My favorite singer is Mariah Carey, I grew up on her! I also adore Taylor Swift, I have been a fan since her debut. And lately I have been into Ariana Grande.

General Favorites:Cartoons:Spongebob, Grim Adventures, Ed Edd n EddyDisney Princess: Thumbelina, Snow White, Cinderella.Pokemon related:Starter: Mudkip
Region: Hoenn
Game: Emerald, Soul Silver
Legendary: Suicune
Mythical: Jirachi
Baby: Cleffa
Eeveelution: Espeon
Pseudo Legendary: Salamence
Hogwarts House:Slytherin
Patronus: Shark
Wand: Applewood wand with a phoenix feather core, measuring 14 3/4 inches, very swishy flexibility
Favorite Jojo (non romantic): Jonathan
Favorite Part: 1 and 2
Favorite villain: Kars
Favorite Jobro: Caesar Zeppeli

Krystal's Default Info

Name: Krystal Mourningstar
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight
Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: O+
Height/Weight: 5'8 / 110 lbs
Body Type: Ectomorph, very slim.
Eyes/Hair/Skin: Green eyes, wavy rose brown hair, white skin.
Alignment: Pure Evil
Type of guy: Krystal tends to always go for the "bad boy" or supernatural males. She loves guys who are cruel, sadistic and understand how awful humanity is, and be attentive of her needs at the same time. She heavily prefers men who have strong convictions.
Personality:Krystal is callous, cruel, and vengeful, driven by a deep desire for control stemming from her powerlessness in childhood. Her experiences with betrayal have instilled deep trust issues, making her highly selective about whom she allows into her life. Despite her dark exterior, she is a hopeless romantic, drawn to ruthless, cruel individuals who show her kindness. She always values non - humans over humans.Krystal is extremely sadistic and enjoys causing pain to others. she's also a massive misanthrope. She's also extremely vengeful and can hold a grudge like no tomorrow. However, she will never, ever treat her boyfriend/husband poorly.She takes full advantage of her appearance to lull others into a false sense of security.She's often oblivious to when a guy shows genuine romantic interest towards herShe has rather low self esteem.Likes:Playing video games, especially JRPGs like Shin Megami Tensei, Pokémon, and Digimon.
Her favorite food is mushrooms and olive pizza, and her favorite drink is pink lemonade., gem stones (her fave is Celestite) including old-fashioned knickknacks.
Krystal adores animals, primarily predatory species like Wolves, Cats, Sting Rays, and even deer and horses. But even if she holds animal lives above humans, she's not a bleeding heart about it and dislikes pests that come into her house.Loves the movies Thumbelina (Don Bluth), Cinderella, Snow White, and Bambi.Dislikes:Math, science, sea food, most sweets, and puzzles, stemming from her past experiences with these subjects.
Humans and intellectual snobs, which she views with disdain.
She does not drink or smoke.Abilities/Talents:Krystal can sing very well, she can also play the harp.
Her lack of empathy allows her to be unaffected by cursed items or negative energy. She has a small collection of supernatural trinkets.

My S/I does have references for those who want to see what she looks like! There's three of them as no dollmaker is truly perfect! I spent nearly decades perfecting her design to match what I felt : 3
[images are in respective order]
Default Appearance (body, skin tone + outfit only)

Complete hair style + hair color ;except bangs.

Fringe / sideways bangs only

Universes she's in

SMT4A | Digimon | JJBA | Osmosis Jones | PokemonThis section is to show the live(s) I have lived in the respective universes, and the present day as well. Naturally they will be different from my main carrd as the main carrd is strictly about the spiritual impact they had on my meatspace life.

SMT4AKrystal (or Kotone as she was first named) was born in Tokyo a month before Asahi. She was one of the children chosen to live up on the surface. However her parents were told by one of the monks there that Krystal was a cursed child that would bring them misfortune, and thus she was given to Lilith in exchange for macca. However this was done so she could be turned into red pills to feed to the demons.Her guardian angel Omniel refused to let this happen, and stopped Lilith before she could kill Krystal. She was found by Asahi's father and he adopted her too.Krystal and Asahi have a very close relationship, Asahi adores Krystal's boldness and how she likes to befriend powerful demons, using them to find valued relics, she despises humans. Krystal also befriended a Chimera kit [named Calypso after the Greek word ] who's mother and littermates were slaughtered by angels during God's Plan.The name Calypso derives from the Ancient Greek καλύπτω (kalyptō), meaning 'to cover', 'to conceal', or 'to hide'; as such, her name translates to 'she who conceals'.One day Calypso was discovered by The Kinshicho Hunter's association in the kitchen after an accidental escape, worrying that she might be forced to kill Calypso, Krystal decides to run away and start her own association, where humans and demons work together.Asahi chases after Krystal and finds her in Kinshi Park, where Krystal teaches her how to negotiate with demons. Saying that in this world you are born alone and die alone.Nikkari and Manabu head out on a search for the two girls.Suddenly, a demon named Adramalech then sees the two girls and decides to attack them, resulting in the deaths of not only Manabu and Nikkari but Krystal as well..Upon her death she arrives in Yomotsu Hirasaka, there she meets Dagda and he offers to bring her back to life on the condition that she works for him. Desperate to save her sister and Calypso she agrees...Her relationship with Dagda goes from puppet to severely co-dependant crush. Krystal has been powerless her entire life and after being given a second chance she feels extremely indebted to him. This slowly blossoms into love on both ends.Dagda returns her feelings after she re-creates the universe in both their image. As a creator Goddess Krystal rules the universe with an Iron fist. A universe of nature, talking animals, objects, humans are at the bottom of the food chain, save for who she chose to save [ Asahi, Hallelujah and Isabeau and Flynn her Godslayers ]Krystal and Dagda end up having one child - Mariah, the new Earth Goddess.Misc. DetailsAs a Creator Goddess, Krystal has amassed a harem of three other males. Blaze, a demon who rules the realms of Chaos, Omniel who rules the realms of Law, and Hiroshi, a Kitsune who is a balance of both alignments.Krystal is addressed as "Your Divine Omnipotence" her men are addressed as the same.
Krystal retains her human appearance even as a Creator Goddess, except for her yellow eyes -those give her away.
People are often unnerved when she's around.Allies: The Greek and Egyptian Pantheon

Digimon (A mix of the X-ROS and Digimon 01 / 02 universe)This was very past - life heavy!
Name: Krystal Weiss (Mourningstar later)
Age: 23
Personality: Cruel, Violent, Vengeful, Misanthropic. Adores Digimon and her adoptive parents. Is often called "intense" by naysayers.
Backstory:Krystal was once a benevolent Goddess who lived in the Digital World. A Seraphimon that she rescued from being executed in the Heaven Zone was her guardian and consort. They were deeply in love and both ruled the Heaven Zone together.One day however, a Shakkoumon and a rogue Slashmon began to think that Krystal was "too soft" to be a Goddess, and that under her rule the Zone would suffer.Shakkoumon rallied various Digimon, including the notorious Lilithmon to rebel against the Goddess, the Goddess fought back valiantly but one of her closest confidantes, the same Shakkoumon who was in charge of guarding the Heaven Crown betrayed her and gave it to a rogue Cherubimon infected a virus. After the Heaven Zone collapsed, the noble Seraphimon turned back into a Digiegg. The Goddess was killed by Lilithmon and was forced to reincarnate into the mortal world with her memory wiped...The poor Seraphimon, then had to have his own memories painfully removed while he was still a digiegg by two evil scientists,who received him from a "mysterious" donor, who wanted to destroy his trust in everyone.The young Digimon hatched into a Puttimon. Cycle after cycle he was given to abusive Tamers, but despite the torment.... he still had dreams of the Goddess. One in particular would beat and starve him as a Patamon, until eventually he snapped and turned into a Lucemon X, he wanted to destroy the world, until Yggdrasil put a stop to him for good, she took him in as a Digitama and gave him to one of her royal knights.She knew balance had to be restored in the digital world again... and thus gave him to Krystal, telling the young Lucemon that if he wanted to be X again, he would have to form a bond with a Tamer.Lucemon, not to be deterred became a double agent of sorts, he would serve Lilithmon due to her manipulating him into thinking that he was betrayed by the Goddess herself... She promised him revenge as long as he kept playing his role and in due time she would give him the power to be Lucemon X again.In her next life:Krystal was born to two very gifted doctors (Peter and Vicky), who married not for love but for financial benefit. They were involved in a strange experiment involving Digimon in the past. They had ridiculously high expectations of Krystal such as demanding she get a PhD at the age of 2.Whenever she did not live up to their expectations they would mistreat her, either with no dinner, or even lock her out of the house. Her only saving grace was that Vicky's best friend, Nicole would often come over to babysit the girl.And one fateful day she was adopted by Nicole and her husband Alan at the age of 11.Digimon related info:Digivice: A round iridescent Tamagotchi type device that's hooked into her pants.Digimon: Pumpmon. Pumpmon, named "Patch"At the age of 5, Krystal’s connection to the Digital World began to manifest when she encountered her first Digimon partner, Pumpmon, during a Halloween trip to a pumpkin patch. Dressed as Cinderella, Krystal lost one of her slippers, and the shy yet curious Pumpmon, who had been hiding among the pumpkins, mistook her for a real princess. After handing her the slipper, Pumpmon became her loyal companion. Although Krystal loved him deeply, she hid Pumpmon from her adoptive parents, worried that they might not react well to a talking pumpkin.Patch become her closest confidante, and best friend. He would often bring Krystal over to the Digital World as an escape from reality.One day at the age of 12, Krystal has a dream of Yggdrasil, telling her that there's a second Digimon who will be given to her as a partner, a young Puttimon who has been through a lot. Yggdrasil doesn't tell her the entire truth yet-- that's for her to discover. Then she also tells her about a tournament to collect all 108 Code Crowns, whoever gets the most wins the title of "Goddess" Krystal and pumpmon eagerly partake in this.Tsukaimon wasn't fond of having a human tamer, even if she was also misanthropic like him; that wasn't enough to win his trust. He and Pumpmon have a sibling like relationship where the latter enjoys teasing him.Tsukaimon would often feel pangs of envy whenever he saw how Pumpmon was treated with love, he often wished he had tamers like that.Digi-evolution to Holy AngemonKrystal partakes in the tournament and wins many Code Crowns, wanting to take a break before heading to the Heaven Zone, she goes shopping in a plaza with Pumpmon and the Tsukaimon who is now a Lucemon.After a pizza lunch, Krystal's digivice begins to glow, she finds the source.. only to see a pack of Gazimon, and of course several DemiDevimon. They praise Lucemon for bringing her to the "trap" and ask him to hand her over.Lucemon realizes that Krystal has been nothing but kind to him and it would be wrong to betray her. He tells the demon digimon to get lost, and then they attack him.Krystal takes the hit for him, causing him to Digivolve into Holy Angemon. Her act of love made him Digivolve. Upon arriving at the Heaven Zone, he decides to name himself Omniel.Omniel goes back and forth between Seraphimon and Lucemon X, but he feels more comfortable with the latter, he feels he's not worthy of being a holy being like a Seraphimon, but Krystal tells him otherwise.In the future they band together with Yggdrasil and another new team of Digidestined to save the Digital World. Krystal's and Lucemon X's memories are finally restored!

Digimon Tamers Universe:1:1 as Tamers except a few details are different in my universe.Ai and Makato do not exist
Jeri gives into her depression and dies.
Krystal's parents were a part of the Digimon AI project, they however gave up after pressure from their parents to become doctors and "not waste time in the virtual world" they applied similar pressure to Krystal who eventually broke free from them and rebelled, implied to have killed her parents. Her only window to the outside world was her Pen Pal Jeri.5 years after the events of Tamers:Krystal, now 15, returns to Japan after learning about the Digimon outbreak, and how her friend Jeri died from the D- reaper, succumbing to her depression, however after Jeri visits her in a dream, saying she's happy with Leomon..Krystal becomes interested in exploring the digital world by herself, after stealing a few important floppy disks from her parents.Krystal gets a Digivice from the same portal that Takato left Guilmon in.She searches for her Digimon, until she finds Impmon in the forest, he's alone, cold, and scared. Her Digivice has led her to him. After learning that Impmon has a debt owed to the Devas, she agrees to help him! He, at first does not trust her one bit, after all he was hurt by every human he came in contact with. But he also wants to go home.Impmon overtime grows fond of Krystal.Impon's backstory is different here, because it's the real one.Impmon entered the Digital world like all the other Digimon did. His first two tamers were brothers, one younger, one older. The younger brother was somewhat caring towards Impmon, but the older was obsessed with making him a stronger Digimon. The two brothers fought often, and eventually grew up, and outgrew Impmon. They sold Impmon to a circus tamer for college money.Impmon was abused severely in the circus, often beaten, starved, even seeing animals die in front of his very own eyes-- and his fellow Digimon. A decade later, he finally snapped and killed the ring master, and everyone in the circus, not bothering to help his fellow Digimon because they grew complacent. He grew a deep disdain for both humans and Digimon.

JJBAName: Krystal Mourningstar
Nicknames: Krys, K- Chan (by Kakyoin), Kriss-Kross (By Joseph)
Sex: F
Eyes: Green
Hair: Rose Brown
Age: 14 - 21 (Part 1 - 3) 24 ( part 4 + 6 )
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 120 lbs
Orientation: Straight
Birthday: Nov 8th 199X
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Nationality: American
Languages: English, French, Some Italian, Japanese (Advanced)
Species: Human
Catchphrase: The truth always comes to light!
Food: Pizza, Pink Lemonade.
Animal: Cats, Wolves, Foxes, Horses, she adores anything non - human*
Hobbies: Playing Pokemon and other video games. She also loves collecting perfumes and old knick knacks, and books about black magic.
Other: Can play the harp and sing quite well, She also loves watching nature documentaries, but is super picky about it.
Husband: Part 1: Straizo, Part 2: Caesar, Part 3 - forever: Jotaro.
Man type: Likes tall men with blue eyes.
Music: Mariah Carey
Movie: Who Framed Roger Rabbit
TV Show: Mostly cartoons.
Books: The Twilight Saga, Lord Of The Flies.
Weaknesses: Can be very cruel, explosive temper, hides her pain a little too well, often very co-dependant (Kars especially). Extremely vengeful, stubborn, and gets fixated on things that upset her. Has a severe inferiority complex due to her behavior issues and mental problems.Dislikes:
Anyone who hurts Jotaro. Unsanitary places, her family, primates, humanity as a whole, backstabbers, flaky people,bugs.
Stand Information:Stand name: Disturbia, namesake: Disturbia - Rihanna’s songDisturbia is a small, gray fluffy Chimera pup with antler stubs, paws in the front and hooves in the back legs. Disturbia manifested when Krystal was 9 years old, she’s always been watching over Krystal and only became fully tangible when Krystal was teleported to the JJBA universe. Disturbia’s powers are mostly fire and darkness based.Disturbia is extremely sentient and a reflection of Krystal’s soul, a full amalgamation of her fury at the world and how small, useless and insignificant she feels.Disturbia is very close with Krystal and often grounds her, the way a service animal would to its owner. Krystal has used Disturbia to commit arson and homicide, as regular people cannot see stands.Disturbia’s range: irrelevant; extremely precise and search + investigate, very good at sniffing out hidden things as well as reading people’s true intentions.Disturbia is impervious to DIO's The WORLD because Chimera are a paradox of reality themselves.

Osmosis JonesKrystal is pretty much the same in Osmosis Jones, except after her death, Thrax found her soul deep within her heart chamber (in some cultures the soul is big as your thumb), and Krystal achieved an awakening, our souls, our true selves are often suppressed by the modern world, we forget who we are. But because of Thrax, Krystal achieved enlightenment and her soul was able to break free from the cycle of life to be with Thrax.Krystal is essentially a virus - soul hybrid. She has pale skin with reddish tints, bright yellow eyes and burgundy hair.

Pokemon:Name: Krystal Stone
Age: 30
Hometown: Lavender Town
Starter: Vulpix
Favorite Type: Fire, Dark, Ice
Personality: Sadistic, Cruel, Vengeful, Hates humanity, violent, Hopeless romantic, loves Pokemon battles and her husband Steven very much.
Husband: Steven Stone
Father - In - Law: Joseph Stone
Children: Celesta, Skye, Emmy
Backstory:Krystal was born to two Team Rocket executives named Ouranos and Gaia. Both of her parents were from mysterious clans that Team Rocket once sought help from getting their hands on the Legendary Pokemon Jirachi, but failed. Ouranos was born in Saffron City, Gaia was born Johto. They were not in love but married to form an alliance with their clans.When Krystal was around 6 months old, her parents were killed by Mewtwo after Mewtwo breached containment. In their will, they wanted Giovanni to raise the girl. Mr. Fuji was horrified by this and the experiment, he decided to take action and adopt Krystal as his own. He gave her Professor Oak's last name to throw Giovanni off.Professor Oak is Krystal's legal guardian.Krystal's companion is a Ninetales named "Blazy"Blazy has known Krystal since she was a wild Vulpix foraging about in the outskirts of Lavender Town. The two became close after Krystal would feed her on the way to school and back. Blazy picked up on Krystals homocidal tendencies and allowed Krystal to be her Trainer. She was almost caught by Poachers due to her spectral powers never before seen in Vulpix and she burnt them to a crisp with Krystal at her side.Blazy enjoys causing others pain with her powerful Flamethrower for her own amusement, she despises other people. Even causing Fuji trouble sometimes. Shes indifferent towards the other Pokemon.Krystal and Steven met as children in the Pewter City museum, both of them were fascinated by the stone exhibition. Krystal was 6, Steven was 10. The two struck up a conversation. Steven's father was in Kanto for some business.For the next 5 years the two would go on to be the best of friends. Steven would be Krystal's partner in school projects, and stand up for her when she was being bullied for being "odd".Sadly when she turned 12, Steven said he would have to move back to Hoenn, but promised that he would never forget her. Krystal still kept the Firestone he gave her, she never used it on her Vulpix.At the age of 15 she began her Pokemon Journey, however Professor Oak had a special mission for Krystal, he is studying the habitat changes of Pokemon and working with a Professor from Hoenn. He asks her to find the links between Hoenn and Kanto, which can be done through finding the special Ruby and Sapphire Stones.


Heres places you can find me, remember if its not here, its not me. Discord is for friends only.